Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Another way I avoid studying is spending hours upon hours thoroughly reading every article featured in the online Daily Mail website. What they lack in correct grammar and spelling they make up for in sensational headlines and showing celebs at their worst. Today's top story illustrated some of the funniest homework submissions teacher's in the US and UK had recieved. They are some of the most hilarious things I've ever read. It made me think back to my school days and some of the stuff I used to hand up. I remember writing a two page essay on why I hated Gay Byrne. Now don't get me wrong, Gaybo is antionally gem and all that but when you're 7 and you're parents won't let you change the channel over from the Late Late show you form a pretty big grudge. I think my essay went something like this... I hate Gay Byrne, he is old and I don't like old people. He is not funny, probably because he is old. I bet all he does all day is sit around eating soup, because he is old. I went on for another bit throwing around age-ist slurs but you catch the drift.
I remember spending hours at a friend's house whose Mom was a teacher at our school and waiting for her to leave so we could poke through some of the essays the first years had handed up to her as homework. The history ones were pure gold. " I am a knight, I live on a horse, I have a knife for stabbing people. I heart the king and queen. They are my Mom and Dad".
Oh god it's stuff like that and these pictures that very nearly almost makes me want to be a teacher!


  1. Read this article this morning.. sooo funny !

  2. I have strayed on to the Daily Mail website myself too...

    My favourite story was one about a girl who was 17 and since she was two ate only chicken nuggets. Then one day she ate a burger, her body couldn't digest it and her tongue swelled up. I feel sorry for her but still kinda funny!

  3. Did anyone read their article recently about a family in some small town in Kentucky who, due to lack of people, started having children with eachother and subsequently the next two generations of children were all born blue ? it was quite the tale!

  4. I have to say I don't read the Daily Mail outside of reading the headlines off the laptop screen of the person sitting in front of me in lectures. It's hard not to hear all the stories anyway though through people just talking about them.
    I read the chicken nugget girl one alright though. I have a friend who eats like that. Better send him the link :P
    Also, now that I know you're an ageist I don't feel so bad that I hadn't commented on this before :P

  5. Ha ha... I'm not an ageist!

  6. I saw that headline the other day! I have a severe addiction to the Daily Mail and believe that anything on it is fact (which it clealy isnt!!)..

    Those "people in history" essays in school were the bane of my life- but looking back they were pretty hilarious!! I am a monk and I live in a monastery etc etc haha

  7. Daily Mail is the best! ...I'm still laughing at your "giraffes are heartless creatures" picture! :)

  8. Oh Megan it took me a good few months to cop on that the Daily mail goes down the route of "sensational" rather than truthful journalism! Still love it all the same, it reminds me of those magazine's my mom buys, Take and Break and Real people and the like... they have some great headlines too, "I was stabbed over a Kebab" and "I have an eight bedroom mansion but choose to live in my car" Where do they find these people? @Sandra, pictures are funny in all fairness! God bless the daily mail! :)
