Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Nom Nom Nom!

Since I dedicated my previous blog entry to food I don’t like I decided to write this week’s blog about all my favourite noms!

First and foremost the ambrosia that is chicken nuggets. Is there anything more delicious than chicken nuggets, I think not.

Secondly, McDonald’s super noodles. A staple in my diet and a regular in my cupboard.

Beetroot. Is it a vegetable? I don’t even know but I’ve gone through a jar of it every week since I was 6. Serving suggestion: Eat it straight out of the jar with a fork, it doesn’t go with anything else.

Cheesestrings, without which I would suffer severely from rickets.

And last but by no means least, Coco pops. Nom Nom Nom J
Till next week x

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Things I can't eat- The Anti Food Blog

I'm very fussy about food. What I like I eat copious amount of, I live mainly on a mixture of Coco Pops, chicken nuggets and spaghettios. I never try new things and I'm starting to think that the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, vitamins and protein have left me a miniscule 5"2. There are things I have never tried like fish, steak, lamb, pork, duck, pudding and things I will never try goat's cheese and rabbit and marmite. The following conatins a detailed account of why I find stuff really gross.

Quiche- Quich smells like old people's houses. If I were to eat Quich, with every bite I would be quietly thinking to myself this is most definately how a wrinkly old person would taste.

Pate- I used to love this. I ate it everday on toast, cream crackers... or straight out of the tub with a spoon. Then my brother told me what it was. That was twenty years ago. I haven't touched it since.

Fish- Fish are visual repulsive. They look slimey and evil.

Lambs- Lambs are too cute to eat. Eating lamb is like eating a kitty or a puppy.

Duck- Duckies? How do people eat duckies?!

Pork- It's grey. Grey is not an apitising colour for noms.

Turkey- I used to eat turkey all the time, then I found out it was a type of pheasant. I aint eating no pheasant.

Steak- When you think about it, and I mean really think about it. Steak, essentially, is a slice of ass.

Rivita- The yockiest cracker in existance. One would liken it to a rectangle of cardboardy- sand.

There is method to my madness. I have two older brothers who loved telling me from a young age in great detail what everything was made of, ad libbing usually and putting their own spin on things like the chips in lennoxes are squishy because they make them and then throw them out in the garden and stamp on them, wash them down and reheat them. Or that when restaurants run out of chicken they use white rats. Or that hot dogs are really made form all dogs that run away from home.

Well, you can see why I'm a bit weird about stuff.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Things that make me feel old

The following is a list of things that make me feel ridiculously old:
Bart Simpson turns 35 this year.
Tommy from the Rugrats would be pushing 24.
Marilyn Monroe would be 90 if she was alive today.

Ross' son Ben in Friends would e turning 18 this year.
I made my Communion 19 years ago this May.
Kevin from the Backstreet Boys is now 44.
Macauley Culkin is 33.
Clarissa from Clarissa explaims it all would be 38 now.
All three Hanson brothers are married with kids.
Tha macerana is nearly 20 years old.
Mother Theresa and Lady Diana have been dead for 15 years.
I can't find bottles os Score lemonade anywhere.
I don't remember what my natural hair colour is.
Hakeem from Moesha is dead. When I told the 18 year olds who I worked with this bit of news they asked me what a Moesha was.

Anyone else starting to feel like this? :(