Tuesday, 8 November 2011


I'm in my final year in college and I can't believe how fast the years have gone by I feel like I was fresher just a couple months ago. I had a scary thought a few weeks back (as I begrudgingly turned 23)... I started my first year in secondary school ten years ago. Ten whole years ago. Where do the years go? One minute your a nervous thirteen year old who's a bit short for their age starting grown up school, the next you're a 23 year old, who's a bit short for their age graduating from college! I miss secondary school all the same though. I wish I could go back in time and tell my thirteen year old self to take my hair out of the slicked back bun and invest in a bita fake tan... Of course there's a few things that I don't miss like wearing the same scratchy blue jumper in the blistering heat and freezing cold. And I don't miss studying for stuff that I have yet to and probably will NEVER use in real life like which rocks are igneous and which are sedimentary. I don't miss a few old teachers who intead of giving out to you directly posed your misbehaviour to you as question. "Do you walk on the grass at home?, Do you sit near the rad at home?, Do you use your mobile phone at home?" Em yes, yes I do... Doesn't everyone? But there are things I truly miss about my school days like Fridays. Why don't I get excited about Fridays anymore, it's just another day to me now? I miss that feeling of being in class and wanted to laugh at something so bad but not being able to so you turn the brightest shade of firetruck red trying to keep it all in. I miss passing notes and the sense of accomplishment having sent your note successfully without getting caught. I miss checking text messages on my phone, which was hidden in the boob pocket of my shirt under my horrible scratchy blue jumper like some kind of text message checking ninja. I miss non-uniform days. I miss when someone forgot that it was a non-uniform day and had to walk around all day sticking out like a sore thumb. I miss telling the girls that collected the money for the non-uniform day that my imagnary older sister paid my two euro for me and sneakily pocketing it for myself. I miss seeing my best friends everyday. I miss forgetting to pick my friend Creecher up for school and only remembering as I arrived myself. I miss regailing everyone with the tale of how I'd forgotten her and reinacting my interpretation of her standing outside of her house, a sack on her back full of books, waiting for a lift that wasn't coming. Don't wory her Mom eventually found her and brought her in but whenever I think back to that day when she walked into class 20 minutes late I still laugh out loud and not even to myself. I genuinely break out in a chuckle. Those were the days :)


  1. and what about getting bullied for being a hanson heh?? deems were the days..

  2. And what about the two of us gothing up the place? * cringe
